The SAC Rally was held on the first Saturday in June in Glasgow, hosted by the Bridgeton No Surrender Club.
A number of Members from the new Corby Murray Club took the opportunity to be out on Parade, along with Fraser McKechnie (with jacket in photo) from Australia Murray who had been recently Made at the May Initiation Weekend. They joined with Partick Murray for the day, returning to the Crawford Halls for an afternoon of harmony after the main Parade.
The SAC Rally began with a Parade to the Glasgow City Cenotaph, before walking on to Glasgow Green.
The day is a great opportunity to meet with Scottis Murray Clubs; Partick, Greenock, Possilpark and Wishaw.
It was also an opportunity to say hello to Pride of the North, Glasgow, which led Possilpark Murray and would be leading the Parent Club in Londonderrry at the 335th Relief of Derry Commemorations.
Once again, great weather for an outstanding Parade.
Joining with the Apprentice Boys of Derry and Baker Clubs, the annual Initiation Day for the Murray Club was held on the 25 May. The day started with a Parade from Bond Street.
The Murray Club was delighted to have the Coleraine Fife & Drum returning to lead it across from the Waterside.
The Parade ended at First Derry Presbyterian where a Memorial Service was held for past-Governor Sam Shepherd, a member of the Apprentice Boys of Derry Club and friend to all.
The initiations took place in the Apprentice Boys Room in the Memorial Hall, with all three Clubs together. Among those Made from the Murray Club were members from Antrim, Teemore and Australia Murray Clubs.
On the evening before the Commemoration the regular meeting of the Parent Club included the Initiation of twenty-four candidates, including nine to be the core of the proposed Club in Corby, six from our oldest Club, Partick and others from Donemana, Newtownstewart, Manorcunningham and Greenock. It was a tremendous end to a year of exceptional numbers being Derry Made into the Murray Club.
Australia Murray had recalled the 335th Annual Commemoration of the Shutting of the Gates earlier in the day, in Adelaide, which included the installation of a new Officer team. All the very best to the Club as it continues to establish itself, consolidating and growing, keeping alive the memory of the Brave 13 on the far side of the world.
There was a huge turnout of Apprentice Boys for the Annual Commemoration In Londonderry, reflecting a year of outstanding growth for the Association across all Clubs.
The Service of Thanksgiving in St. Columb’s Cathedral was packed, and with many standing at the back. A wreath was laid on the Siege Heroes Mound. The day ended with the burning of Lundy, with the Mitchelburne Club have the honour to keep the traditions of the Association for this year.
A fourth member of Murray Australia was Made in 2023 at the regular meeting of the Parent Club in October. It has been very encouraging to see the steady flow of Members from Australia taking the opportunity to be Made while visiting in Northern Ireland or making the trip especially. Joseph Lynd, from Cairns, was visiting family in Northern Ireland and it was great to be able to show him around and to be part of his Initiation.
The Relief of Derry Commemorations on the 12th August was an exceptional day with an impressive turnout from Members.
The celebration of the 334th Anniversary of the Relief of Londonderry started on the other side of the world with the meeting of Australia Murray in Sydney, New South Wales, a little earlier this year, 29th July, with some travelling to be with us in Northern Ireland. At the special initiation meeting on the Friday evening before the big day, we had one Member made from Australia, accompanied by two Australian Brothers. Luke Williams was one of a dozen who were Derry Made that evening.
The newly Made were able to enjoy the main Commemorations on Saturday 12th. Ballinran Flute Band lead General Committee, while once again we had the Robert Graham Memorial Flute Band, from Crawfordsburn in its 50thAnniversary Year, lead the Murray Parent Club.
It was an absolute pleasure to welcome Members of Toronto Murray to the Memorial Hall on Friday 14th July, and an added delight to be able to host a special initiation meeting to have three candidates Derry Made. We were also able to facilitate two Australia Murray candidates who were also in Northern Ireland at this time. Congratulations to all five.
It wasn’t the best weather on the day and the tour of the Walls prior to the meeting was a little damp. It didn’t stop a number of the Toronto Murray taking time to look across historic Londonderry from the top of the Memorial Hall tower.
It wasn’t the best weather on the day and the tour of the Walls was a little damp. It didn’t stop a number of the Toronto Murray taking time to look across historic Londonderry from the top of the Memorial Hall tower.
If lockdown during Covid felt harsh in the UK, Australia was draconian with no movement between States and Melbourne extremely stringent. Australia Murray was only able to meet in August 2022, the previous meeting having been December 2019. Therefore, good to be able welcome our first Australia Murray member to be Made since the opening of that Club. Glenn Malloch made a detour from visiting family in Scotland to visit Londonderry, and the Parent Club arranged a special Initiation to welcome him to the Murray Club and to the Association.
Pictured here, centre, with the Andy Berryman (Australia Murray, back for now, living in Lisburn) and the Governor, Graeme Stenhouse, to his left, and Murray President, Gordon McMorris, and Robin Smyth, Australia Murray (also visiting, at home in Claudy).
On the 21st September 2019, the Murray Club joined with the Mitchelburne Club to visit the Graves of Murray and Mitchelburne at Glendermott Old Cemetery, with an inspiring short Graveside Service by the Rev. McBeth of All Saints Clooney, and music accompaniment by a member of Barron Accordion Band.
A parade to the Memorial Hall was followed by the Initiation Meetings for the respective Clubs. Murray Club initiated six new Members on the day, three from Greenock, two from Upperlands and one, our first enrolled member to be Made, from Australia (on right below).
(left to right) Andrew Berryman, Australia Murray Club; Graeme Stenhouse, Governor; Gordon McMorris President Murray Club; Donald Armstrong, newly Made, Australia Murray Club.
Australia has its first ever Apprentice Boys Branch Club. The Murray Club has installed a new Charter and opened a new Branch Club on 15th June in Australia, installed new officers and enrolled new members.
The Murray Club, one of the eight Parent Clubs of the Apprentice Boys of Derry, has opened a new Branch Club in Australia. The new Australia Murray Club will draw members from across the Continent. The first meeting was held in Burwood, Sydney, attended by members from South Australia, Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland; Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane.
First ever meeting of Apprentice Boys in Australia, with the installation of a new Charter for the Murray Club, Australia Branch Club which took place in Burwood, Sydney on 15th June 2019. The new Officer team for the Australia Murray Club was installed, and new members to the Club were enrolled on the day.
President of the Murray Club, Gordon McMorris commented:
“The Murray Club has historically broken new ground, being to the forefront of first Clubs in Scotland, England and Canada. The new Australia Club is an exciting development, built on an excellent foundation that will see the Branch develop further over time.”
Graeme Stenhouse, Governor of the Associated Clubs of the Apprentice Boys of Derry, says:
“Together with David Hoey, Secretary of the Murray Parent Club, it was a great honour and privilege to travel further than any Governor has ever travelled before to install a new Club Charter. The Association greatly appreciates the huge amount of preparation and planning, over many years, to have been able to achieve this landmark for the Association; the opening of the new Australia Murray Club. We are proud that the story of the Brave 13 Apprentice Boys and the Siege of Londonderry now has a place in the Southern Hemisphere. As Governor of the Apprentice Boys’ Association I would like to extend heartiest congratulations to all involved, and in the years ahead I look forward to welcoming new Australian members to the Maiden City.”
Pictured left to right at the opening of the new Australia Murray Branch Club: Graeme Stenhouse, Governor of the Associated Clubs of the Apprentice Boys of Derry; David McMichael, newly installed President of the Australia Murray Club; Herbie Mailey, newly installed Secretary of the Australia Murray Club; and David Hoey, Secretary of the Murray Parent Club, Londonderry.
Herbie Mailey, Secretary of the new Australia Murray Club, who has been the main organiser in Australia in setting up the new Club, states:
“There has been a real interest in Australia about building a connection to the historic City of Londonderry, and the important dates commemorated in August and December. The cause of Civil & Religious Liberty is universal, wherever we are in the world. We remember the debt we owe to all those who have suffered and sacrificed for the Freedoms we too often take for granted today.”