They said of Murray

What has been said of Adam Murray…

Dr Joseph Aickin, a medical practitioner who was in the city throughout the Siege, and tended to Murray when he was severely wounded towards the close of the Siege, wrote a poem Londerias published soon after the Siege in 1699: his accounts says that the people of Londonderry were encouraged to hold out by Colonel Adam Murray;

“who gave frequent proofs of an unheard of valour, in his sallies upon the enemies, and killed the French General Maumont with his own hands”.

Aickin repeatedly describes Murray asGreat Murrayand speaks of him also asnoble Murray”, “valiant Murray”, and says his name grew so terrible that he alone was thought invincible.

Rev. John Rutherford writing in 19th Century when there was a controversy as to whether Murray was a non-Conformist or a member of the then Established Church:

“One thing is certain, Colonel Murray was a Saul amongst the band of immortal heroes, each of whom is worthy of our homage and deserving of our gratitude. Sinking all differences, together they ventured life and property in defence of truth and freedom.”

From Hempton’s History and Siege of Londonderry:

O ye descendants of those gallant spirits,
Who fought and bled round Derry’s sacred Walls,
Impress their great example on your hearts,
And nobly emulate their fame and virtues;
Cherish fair Liberty, that gift divine,
Extend its influence, and unfold its beauty;
Guard it with care ‘gainst the bold tyrant’s arm,
Or from the poison of licentious zealots,
And to posterity transmit the blessing —
And thou, Omnipotent, whose pow’r supreme
Pervades all nature! grant my ardent pray’r:
“That Derry still may be the seat of Freedom,
“Of virtue, honour, fortitude, and valour;
“And may she still ‘midst future dangers boast
“Amongst her Sons, a Walker and a Murray”.

 Tablet in Glendermott Presbyterian Church – on brass in an oak frame.

This tablet was erected to the memory of Colonel Adam Murray, of Ling, a member of this congregation, whose timely and fearless action prevented the surrender of the City, and whose unflinching bravery and unshaken faith were an ever-present incentive to that heroic endurance and steadfastness which , under God, save the city. And in gratitude to God for raising up and sustaining heroic men and leaders, and for working through them a great deliverance.

“God is our Refuge and our Strength,
In straits a present aid,
Therefore, although the earth remove,
We will not be afraid.”