Roll of Honour

1914-1918 War

Missing MURRAY PARENT CLUB: Bros. Robert Russell, William Simms, William Dunlop;

Killed in Action MURRAY PARENT CLUB: Bros. David Norris, James Roulstone, George Stirling, Donald McGowan, Ernest Boyd, William J Pollock, William Mitchell, Robert Hamilton, Alexander Millar, Thomas Mills, William Hamilton, Albert McCarter, Thomas Allen, George C Maguire, Robert Kelly; PARTICK BRANCH: Bro. James Sloan; ANTRIM BRANCH: Several were killed, and a Memorial Pipe Band formed 9 September 1921 as Memorial to those brethren who made the supreme Sacrifice;

Active Service MURRAY PARENT CLUB: Bros. William Finlay, John Brown, Robert Cowan, W. Ernest McCarter, Andrew White, Adam Neely, Robert Reid, Samuel Moore, Joseph Warke, Wesley Arbuckle, Joseph Burnside, Lewis Williamson, John Quigley, Robert Anderson, John Dixon, William J. Lowry, William Mooney, Charles Hamilton, Thomas Wilson, William McGarvey, Alexander McGregor, Thomas Orr, Harry Wilson, William J. McLaughlin, John Nicholl, John C. Lappin, William Logue, Andrew Adams, James Scott Whyte, William Smyth, Hamilton Mooney, Joseph Black, William Bradley, Thomas Donnell, William McCarter, William Dougherty, James S. Connor, George Gardiner, Thomas Fulton, John Hill, David Miller, Joseph Allison, James S. Whyte, Henry Boyd, William Carruthers, Robert Warden, John Moore, Thomas A McCauley, Charles McElhinney, George Curry, James Boggs, Robert Dougherty, William M. Downs, H.S. Wilson, Victor Conn, Thomas Harte, Alexander Wallace, Robert Oswald, Thomas Carey, J. Vesey Caldwell, Alexander Kane, Robert Henry, Robert Porter, J. Knox, Samuel M. Carson, W.E.C. Fleming MA; ANTRIM BRANCH: considerable number of members served; UPPERLANDS BRANCH: Bros. Hugh Mitchell, Alexander McCaughey, Thomas McCinnis, Henry Scullion; AGHADOWEY BRANCH: Bros. Albert Doherty, D.J McIntyre, John Glenn, Jim Doherty, James Devennie, A.E. Boyd; CRUMLIN BRANCH: Bros. John Lyle, W.H. Addis, Thomas Beckett, William Gray (Sen), Joseph Williamson, William Waterson (Sen); NEWTOWNSTEWART BRANCH: Bros. William Barton, Samuel Mackey, John Stevenson, Hugh Gilmour;

1939-1945 War

Missing Presumed Killed MURRAY PARENT CLUB: Bros. J Jill, W J Douglas.

Died on Active Service MURRAY PARENT CLUB: Bro. T J Carter; BELFAST BRANCH: Cecil Magill; UPPERLANDS BRANCH: Bros. William McClintock, Clark Shields, Alexander Mitchell; NEWTOWNSTEWART BRANCH: Bro. William Moore.

Active Service PARENT CLUB: Bros. Rev. L.W. Crooks BA, George Huey, Norman Burnside, J. Canning, W. Carey, Francis Carey, J. Chambers, J.S. Crockett, W.J. Denning, R.J. Forbes. F. Gardiner (Jr), R.J. Gardiner, D. Hartin, J.P. Huggins, W.A. Hunter, W.R. Logue, N. Mowbray, W. Mowbray, R.H/ Mowbray (Jr), D.G. Mowbray, D.H. McCauley, E.A. McHugh, R. Plews (Jr), James Stewart, W.J.I. McCarter, W.R. Donaldson, J. McNair, J.A. Stewart, S. Rea, J. Atkinson MBE, G. Porter (Omagh), G. Piggott (Jr) (Omagh), R. Young (Jr), R.J. Goodman, T. Strickland, W.h. Crockett (Belfast), H. Patchell, W.J. Johnston (Dungannon), R. Blocksleage (London), V.H. Myles (Donegal), E.F. Griffin (Canada), W.J. Bogle (Canada), James Ward, Lieut. F. Newmarch, Captain R.B. Middleton, J. Long, R.D. Carey, D.H. Boyd; BELFAST BRANCH: Bros. Samuel Bryans (Jr), Robert Burke, Charles Best, James Huston, William Hollyoak, Bennett Larmour, William R. Lewis, Robert Murphy, Andrew McGookin )Jr), John McMaster, Samuel McClean, Thomas Spence, Thomas Skillen, James Turner, John Walsh, Samuel McConnell; PARTICK BRANCH: Bros. Robert Hemphill (RAF), John Laurie (RAF), Robert Nicholl (RN), and in the Army, Bros. Robert Halliday, John Buchanan, Andrew Park, Samuel Paterson, Matthew Johnston, William Urquhart, David Porter, Hugh Gilchrist, George Norwood, Robert Hartness, Albert Price; ANTRIM BRANCH: Bros. Samuel Steele, John Cush, Thomas Bell; DONEMANA BRANCH:Bros. David Forbes, Jack Allen, Samuel Hamilton, James Hunter, Robert Neely, John Davis, George Spence, Thomas Hamilton, Harry Henderson, Robert Dunn; EGLINTON BRANCH: Bros. Stephen Taylor, William Alcorn, David McClements, S. Harper; UPPERLANDS BRANCH: Bros. Samuel Arbuthnot, John Campbell, Robert Fleming, Robert Hunter, Robert Lamont, David Montgomery, William Murray (Jr), James Murray, James Martin, Thomas McGinnis, Matthew Service, William Shields, Bertie Britton; AGHADOWEY BRANCH: Ringland Boyd, James Blake, Rankin Dickey, Norman Dickey, Sandy Dickey, David Jamison, Robert Kyle, Bro. Simpson, Bobbie Adams, Andrew Millican (Jr). David Millar; CRUMLIN BRANCH: Bros. Frank Curry, John Lewis, William Watterson (Sen), Samuel Dalton (Jr), R.J. Dalton, David Dalton, John Dalton; NEWTOWNSTEWART BRANCH: Bros. Arthur Burt, John Crowe, Robert Hamilton, Wesley Thompson; MANORCUNNINGHAM BRANCH: Bros. James McConnell, Samuel McNutt, Norman Jackson, Robert McNaught.

Lost Life

entered in The Book of Reflection, located in the Siege Museum:

MURRAY PARENT CLUB:  John Olphert, Aged 39, 18 January 1983


They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them.