English Amalgamated AGM and Parade, Blackpool

The English Amalgamated Committee held its AGM and Parade for the second year running in Blackpool, set to be a popular annual event. Along with the Murray Club President, Gordon McMorris, this was an excellent opportunity to meet with our English Clubs, including SAMS Liverpool, Bootle, Lancashire & Cheshire, Thames & Avon, as well as Partick from Scotland. English brethren were joined by many from Scotland and from Northern Ireland. Numbers were an increase on last year, and there were two evenings of entertainment, one with the EAC and a second organised by SAMS Murray which took the pressure on numbers that the EAC venue could accommodate. In addition to meeting our current Clubs we were able to spend some time with members of the potential club to be based in Corby. A very worthwhile weekend.

Liverpool Clubs’ Parade, Southport.

The day started with sunshine and ended with a torrential downpour. Luckily, it did not rain on the Liverpool Parade. A good turnout of our Clubs in the Liverpool area, with Members on parade from Liverpool Murray, SAMS Murray and Bootle Murray, as well as members from nearby Lancashire & Cheshire Murray.

With this Parade so close to the SAC Rally, football in Scotland leading Police Scotland to insist on an ‘out of season’ event, numbers in recent years have been less than in the past. Good to see numbers improve and hoping that that small increase is repeated in years to come. Southport was welcoming and a good day for all.