335th Annual Commemoration of the Shutting of the Gates

On the evening before the Commemoration the regular meeting of the Parent Club included the Initiation of twenty-four candidates, including nine to be the core of the proposed Club in Corby, six from our oldest Club, Partick and others from Donemana, Newtownstewart, Manorcunningham and Greenock. It was a tremendous end to a year of exceptional numbers being Derry Made into the Murray Club.

Australia Murray had recalled the 335th Annual Commemoration of the Shutting of the Gates earlier in the day, in Adelaide, which included the installation of a new Officer team. All the very best to the Club as it continues to establish itself, consolidating and growing, keeping alive the memory of the Brave 13 on the far side of the world.

There was a huge turnout of Apprentice Boys for the Annual Commemoration In Londonderry, reflecting a year of outstanding growth for the Association across all Clubs.

The Service of Thanksgiving in St. Columb’s Cathedral was packed, and with many standing at the back.  A wreath was laid on the Siege Heroes Mound. The day ended with the burning of Lundy, with the Mitchelburne Club have the honour to keep the traditions of the Association for this year.

The link to the gallery of images is here.

English Amalgamated AGM and Parade, Blackpool

The English Amalgamated Committee held its AGM and Parade for the second year running in Blackpool, set to be a popular annual event. Along with the Murray Club President, Gordon McMorris, this was an excellent opportunity to meet with our English Clubs, including SAMS Liverpool, Bootle, Lancashire & Cheshire, Thames & Avon, as well as Partick from Scotland. English brethren were joined by many from Scotland and from Northern Ireland. Numbers were an increase on last year, and there were two evenings of entertainment, one with the EAC and a second organised by SAMS Murray which took the pressure on numbers that the EAC venue could accommodate. In addition to meeting our current Clubs we were able to spend some time with members of the potential club to be based in Corby. A very worthwhile weekend.

SAC Rally, Dunfermline.

Back in Scotland and the SAC Rally offered the opportunity to meet with each of our four Scottish Branch Clubs on the day. It was a glorious June day, and an excellent turnout in the Kingdom of Fife.

Partick Murray is 120 Years young.

Congratulations to Partick Murray Club which celebrates its 120th Anniversary in 2023, the oldest Branch Club in Scotland.

Murray Parent Club President, Gordon McMorris, and the Parent Club Secretary joined Partick Murray’s 120th Anniversary Parade on Saturday 14th January. There was an impressive turnout of Partick Members and other visiting brethren on a cold, sometimes sunny, sometimes wet and often windy, winter afternoon. The Heirs of Cromwell Flute Band was excellent.

Following the parade there was a warm welcome of soup and sandwiches at Crawford Street Hall, and an afternoon of entertainment.

During the afternoon there were a series of presentations. Forty Year Service Jewels were presented to Bros. Jim Mahoney and Andrew Platt (Treasurer), and Thirteen Year Service Jewels to Past President, Bro. Stevie Bryceland, and current President, Bro. Brian Hood.

There were four Members Derry Made on the evening before the Shutting of the Gates in December 2022 who were presented with their Certificates: (left to right) Bros. Michael Holmes, Neil Robbie Robertson, George Bell, Robert Jamieson. Finally, Bro Eric Latham received a Past President Certificate from his successor Bro. Hood.

Terrific start to any year.

Partick Murray keeps the Crimson strong in Glasgow and shows every sign of maintaining a strength of presence for many years ahead.

Glasgow Clubs Parade organised by Partick Murray, 20th August.

Glasgow Clubs traditionally parade the weekend following the Londonderry Commemorations. The Murray Club Secretary spent a very enjoyable day with Partick Murray, the organiser for this year’s Parade. Another Parade three years in the making because, you know, Covid. The parade started from the Centre of Glasgow, out to the Crawford Halls in Partick. Excellent parade and a good afternoon with Partick Branch Club. Thanks to Thomas Chalmers, Secretary, for all his work for the day, along with all those who played a part in making the day a success.