Visit to Graves – Remembering Murray the Siege Hero

Each year the Murray and Mitchelburne Clubs lay a wreath on the graves of Col. Adam Murray and Col. Mitchelburne respectively. The annual visit to Old Glendermott Cemetery took place on Saturday 19th September.

As with so much in 2020, in the context of COVID19 restrictions, the visit was scaled down with just a number of Officers from each Club attending.  For the Murray Club, joining the President, Bro. Gordon McMorris, were Bro. Edgar Laird, Vice President, Bro. David Austin, Chaplain, Bro. David Hoey, Secretary and Bro. John Goligher, Treasurer.

Bro. David Austin, Chaplain of the Murray Club, opened the short ceremony with prayer.

Once the wreaths were laid, and the Salute made, he closed proceedings with prayer.

Though few of us in number, the traditions that define our Association were again maintained and honoured. We hope and pray that in 2021 we will be able to return to a full Service at the Graves to honour the heroes.

In lieu of the usual collection following a service at the graves, the two Clubs will donate £50 to the Benevolent Fund.

Aghadowey recognises Members’ long Service

At its annual Installation of Officers in December 2019, Aghadowey Murray recognised enormous contribution to the life of the Club by three of its long-standing Members. A 50 Year Service Jewel was presented to each of three long-standing Members: Ivor McPherson, James Cunningham, and William Knox.

Ivor McPherson
James Cunningham
William Knox