English Amalgamated weekend

The last weekend of October has become a firm date in the diary for the English Amalgamated Committee, with its AGM followed by a Parade along Blackpool Promenade.

There was a good turnout of Apprentice Boys, and it was good to be able to meet Murray Clubs from across England taking part as members of the EAC, including the new Corby Murray Club. Also good to see Partick Murray in attendance in numbers.

The weekend is also an excellent opportunity to meet socially, with Corby Murray and SAMS Murray hosting events on the evening before the AGM and following, respectively. The EAC itself held a hugely successful evening of entertainment on the Saturday evening at the Hotels and Apartments Social Club.

Liverpool Clubs’ Parade

This year’s Liverpool Clubs’ Parade in Liverpool/Southport was organised by SAMS Murray on 8th June.

It was a gloriously sunny day and a great turnout from the Liverpool Clubs and visitors including Kirkintilloch Baker Club.

Big thanks to SAMS Murray for a great welcome and a well organised day, ending at Southern Area Memorial Hall (SAMs Club) on Mill Street, Liverpool.