331st Relief of Derry in Wishaw

Unable to travel to Londonderry for the 331st Anniversary of the Relief of Derry on Saturday 8th August, members of the Wishaw Murray Branch Club turned out on Sunday, 9th August 2020 at the Armed Forces Memorial Garden in Belhaven Park, Wishaw, to commemorate locally.

The park was gifted to the people of Wishaw by Lord Belhaven in memory of his son Lieutenant Colonel The Hon Ralph Gerard Alexander Hamilton, Royal Field Artillery, Master of Belhaven who was killed in action during the 1914 – 1918 war. A memorial headstone in the park details an impressive military history; served with the 7th Division in Flanders in 1914.  In August 1915 he took out C Battery 108th Brigade R.F.A. in the 1st 2nd 3rd Battles of Ypres, Loos, the Somme Offensive and Messines. He was killed in action by a shell on Easter Monday, March 31st, 1918 at Castel, near Amiens whilst commanding 106th Brigade R.F.A. defending the ridge where the German advance was finally stayed. Buried in Rouvrel cemetery.

The short service began with a short prayer by acting Chaplain, Bro Murray Douglas Dunbar while President, Alan Love rendered a short history on the siege and the part played by the Ulster Scots followed by a wreath being laid by one of our youngest members Bro Kristofer Weir followed by the closing prayer and the National Anthem.

The President of Wishaw Murray thanked all who had attended and noted that it was particularly pleasing that so many of the younger members had attended this important event and freventlyhoped that next year would be in Londonderry.